Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Christmas ' 06

We had a wonderful Christmas with our new baby in our new home! Vince and I were both very busy with work in December. Vince was busy changing the heating controls in a high School in Surrey as well as upgrading the HVAC controls at Lansdown Mall in Richmond, both jobs needing to be done by the end of the month. I was busy with my clients at the spa with services and selling gift certificates. Praise the Lord for Grandmothers.... My mom helped me out with Aidan taking care of him with private piano concerts, and when Vince was available to look after Aidan Mom helped me out at the spa.

We also decorated the house and tree in anticipation of Vince's parents arriving on the 19th from Quill Lake Sask. On Christmas eve we had Mom, Nathan, Tricia, and Vince's Mom and Dad over for a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, and the Cooper touch with Ukranian perogies and cabbage rolls. Unfortunately Dad Friesen was in Germany and his flight got in at 11:00pm that night. After supper we went to the Christmas Eve Service at our Church, the service was beautiful with carols and a great Christmas message. Vince also liked when they played Silent night on the piano and Aidan and Grandma Friesen played along. Christmas Day we went to mom and dad Friesen's and had a wonderful morning. Mom prepared one of our favorite breakfasts of baked German apple pancakes. In the afternoon we were off to Chilliwack for the Thiessen gathering, with Aunt Susun and her family. We had a wonderful day!

It was a Great Christmas Holiday filled with food, fun, and Family. (not all in that order)

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